Saturday, February 20, 2010

My gift from You... i love you

Mr. Chak Fung Alan Ho :)
I'm loving my gift <3
he / me bought me this!!!

i love it :) and he help me put it on ~~ my sexy boyfriend~
when he hold my new toy it so cute ~~~
its't he so cute ?!?!?!!?!?!?!?
and putting it on for the 1st TIME~
he so scare to break it -.-""~~~ lol
hehehehe that why he so careful
TA -DA !!!
i wish i could look better but i don't
i look so bad not even funny but "oh well!!!"
and now it he turnnn~~~ to put it on~
-.-" i look better with the bracelet

i love you lots b~

Friday, January 22, 2010



fucking gay...


always go out with out me
fucking gay !
i hate this .........

even at friday night too
mother fucker
dui ma hui la!!
yau wa gay miss ngor ngor dui lei la..
after that shit.................................... u like..
oo im going to last call around 11 ...
so fucking gay ..

u just want me to feel better..jer ma.
dui i don't need this kinda shit lor..
fuck fuck fuck lor..

dui ...what the point u pick ngor up if
we not even going to spend the time together

dui i don't need a driver lor..........
dui dui dui !
dui lei ah ............eeui.........fucking pissed ofF

DUI LEI LO MO !!! .................


always dou hai gum............................ :(


...fuck shit fuck shit...dui hai lei ahhhhhhhh!!!
ngor hai ...............dui hai mad lor..

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Saturday - Today

Saturday - Sunday as well
me and mommy day ......

have a good food lol..later on d auntie just ask me how you made it..I;m just like ooo i searchonline jer.. but i really just search online and..keep re-watch the utube and.... make it ... but a lot of people didn't get the changes of eating it cuz people keep taking second lol~~~ and poor geanie my gbasically we just make food all night for church lol~ ..i made egg tart and
mommy made taro chips ...........took us around 7 hrs just
like saying me and mommy crazy ..well..just want to let you guys know me and mommy trying to make it as good as possible so you guys can
ood friend she just like !!!! gum fast mo ga!! like i almost didn't get any and manz like "save one for Jon and Alan".........................
it was funny and happy that everyone it :) THANK YOU :)

Monday .......
After school ..basically me and esther just went to china town i bought something hahahha lol...and searching for flight ticket as always.... but ahhhhh i felt like waste jor time..cuz all like1500 up --" what

the fuck !! right..well maybe later will be cheaper ...PLZ PRAY FOR US! :)
yeahhhh and esther bought a ...hollister jacket .........yup and now i got one as well diff was 180 ..and now it like $50 fucking cheap man ! i try to put makeup on~lol~~ i look very ...scary ?lol ..well maybe because i
made my face so white that it look like a ghost ~ haha ....yea..i have more ..but ..ahh --" ..ju
st i don't want to show to much not that pretty :( Post Options

Tuesday ..
sleeping cuz day off and ah Jo came visit me for an hr :) lol and later on i just go back to sleep again cuz i felt sick ...........:(


guess how much it cost $20 !!! cheap hey ... i think it
use to be like $50 up ~ :) ..........and hollister $50...with tax too so it pretty cheap that one ... it was $180 ... and then Esther boughtbasically i just bought a lot of stuff
Zara sweater look ver cute :) white and little heart
one 1st and i just copy her just with a diff color ~ lol..not going to have SAME COLOR TOO!!! jeeeez ......................LOL i bought one more thing it hollister ..............

Thursday, January 14, 2010

♥ Korean Town♥

Today after school .................
me and esther went to "Korean Town" and cut hair :)
so i cut my hair short lol~ :) kinda pretty well i like it
and bb like it as well :) nice nice
but the only sad thing it me and esther waited well actually just me...for 4 hrs!!! omgshh ~~ ..i though they frogot about like hell to me for a while after i cut it it was good
i bought like cake thingy i don't know what it is call but it
and later on fix eyebrown lol $8 ... but it was hurt :(....well to esther ...she said doesn't to me kinda hurt lol ............I'm weak :( and later went on dinner lol............i thought i t was cheap turn out...23 ? ish ...grr :(..but it was GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!
it WAS SOOOOOOOOO GOOD~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
yeaa at night so much weird people -.-" omgshhh way to much !!! dis like :(

lol yea ilove my hair lol~


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

aww man ...
today it so boring :(...
nothing special happen YET
2 more days then i can go back to uptown

well there a song i start to liking it :)

Change - HyunAh feat.Junhyung

the only thing i found it at the beginning kinda sound like

"Fergie - Fergalicious" .....and it the beginning as well too lol

well just like a very little...sound a like -.-" but when i 1st heard it
I'm just like!!! SOUND LIKE ..."Fergalicious".....................
and there couple song i like...i will shared later :)

well anywaysss and esther found cheaper ticket :)
$960 :)

yup yup cheap cheap
lol -.-" ....
and drank some soju -.-" fuck ...taste like nailpolish XD lol~~
and later on go to sleep lor -.-" slept till like 10 something ...
yup yup well ... u noe how i said it was a boring day
..actually it turn out better than i though -.-".....


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My day when i have no school ...

My i didn`t go out at all today :)
well i did bring bb go poopoo and peepee
that all i did and i felt so sick.....................
slept till like 8 ish head felt pot hahahaha
yeaa HOT POT!! lol i felt like eating hot pot now
lol i ate so much this couple of day fuck !!
i hate it :(...
i should stop eating ...well little by little :)
that about my day.....................


Monday, January 11, 2010

♥Happy Birthday Daddy ♥

well 1112010 it my dad birthday
little pass but still happy belate birthday dad!!!

so basically what happen it
i bought a game lol~~~...$20.......
"the sims city box"
lol it was very fun and i was going to buy
the "cities XL"....i was at best buy ...and
checking out that game ...the game box look
so fun...but said it sux... soo i just bought
this it so much cheaper~ :)
that one it like $39 and my game it like $20
so i guess it pretty good hey ?
and i think I'm going to try to make a lot of town
because there...a lot of city style and i want to unlock
them all that going to take forever lol...
but i could just download the game thou --"...
i guess I'm way to lazy ? LOL fun :)
i think i play anything that start with a sims~
hahaha i have the sims + most of them expansion and the sims2 yup all of them as well i think..or some geanie has it..and now the sims 3...hahahha!! i have them all as well now the city~~~ have them all too:)lol in $20 :)nice nice

later on night around 6 pm me and esther
went to The try to find the blanket for his dad? i think soo and it start with a C and K LOL~~~ hahahha funny cuz her dad name it like
CK lol~ but all gone :( to bad ....and~~ ahh.....went to look at bra and undies waa 0.99 cent for undies so cheap !! i
want to buy some ..but they all like XL -.-".....yeaa i just wear M and esther even smaller S
and we both ate KBBQ lol ..since like a date ~~~~ lol pretty funny~~~ hahahah well we were full~~
and i love there potato it
sooo good!! they should teach me how to
make thoese potato it so yummy................~~~ keep asking for it ........... at the point that i
think the
waitress ..justgave me and Esther more..LOL....................................
yup can u guys see them good beer we drank it cuz of big bang ~~ LOL!!! 4.5%

today it a pretty good day and it bb 1st day of school hope hes not to tired for it :)


Sunday, January 10, 2010

Josh Vs. BB

Saturday night
I went to Jason Uncle house for cell g
aka adult fellowship :)
so Jason uncle have a dog too and it around B.B
age :) ..around 7 ...i know old dog ..... but they are
still cute.........................................and the dog name call Josh
so what do you guys thing .................................
Josh cuter or BB it cuter ?
hahahaha so there some people thinks BB it cuter :)
do u guys think so by one picture
Josh - it more like hard to grape him lol~~but still fun
B.B - it more lazy ass ... but u can feel his tummy all the time and it fun too
Sunday learn little things la not that much
i was falling asleep well i did listen a bit thou ........
lol bb fall asleep like a sleeping beauty
as you can can see i look very tired ...and i have to fix so much -.-" so my pimple won't show
:( i don't know why after i come back downtown my pimple coming sooo much :( school ...well school did start but last term ..i don't have any :)
so i wish this term as well :) ...................................
so me and bb just on the phone ...yup he always make fun of me ..and i don't like it .... :( ..i wish sometimes he will stop make fun of me kinda ... hurt:( ...well anywayss!! we were talking about church new people it kinda emo..-~-"....:( ... and just wish normal ppl will come...well normal people do come..just...they think they r so cool that they quit ..after 1-2 times:( so sad...i wish more people will come so church will be bigger :)

need to pray for that ...and Victor uncle ..problem as well ..this coming Tuesday will know if him and his family going to get kick out of Canada..or..not :( it a very sad story i was tearing up when I 1st heard their problems...a BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG problems :(

Last thingsss..
Flight ticket..well I'm pretty sure Esther already ...saw this but i just want to post it up so ...i can rmb it.."flight centre .ca"
United $ 905.60 + tax = 1098.26
toronto - LA - Korea - hk = 2 fucking stop ......


Saturday, January 9, 2010

....I Want To Meet His Friends ....

I wish at one point i can meet his friends :(
it since like he doesn't like me to meet his friend
I'm not good to be his girlfriend .....? so i can't meet his friend
maybe I'm ugly so ...maybe he doesn't want me to meet them ?
maybe I'm too fat that ....he doesn't want me to meet them ?
........................... :(
am i that bad ?

he know most of my friends...
well church...Tss Bss Roommates ..... and what else ?
well he doesn't know my some of my other friends
but .... still he know a lot of my friends !!! right ?
and i don't :( .................................................................................
I only know like 2 ...and church :(... and his other that he always chill with ...
nothing :( no... mo ah !!! ....i don't know any of them...he just talk about it
and im just my head it like " i don't even know them :( "
It not like I don't want him to have friend can i ....know them too?
not all of them just a little .......... :(
and he always said that he will bring me out and drink ...
never happen !!!!!
maybe one day ? LOL maybe...maybe his birthday ?!?!?!?!?
LOL.... nothing to say ............................................

sux! :( i want to see him !! fuck fuck fuck ~!@#$%$#@$!%$!@@!#$#@T^%


Friday, January 8, 2010

♥My Plan in Summer♥

My summer start at beginning of May :)
and I'm planning to go back to Hong Kong :)
and I;m really hoping Esther will go back with me
so now I'm planning how to ...well not how to ...
hope she can get the ticket and go back because her mom
said that she could :) but i don't know if she just like ....talking crap
or for real and just PRAY to god that she can go as well :)
yup and kinda thing of where we want to go :)
♥香港SnoopyLand HK$0
♥山頂HK$56(The Peak Tram & Sky Terrace) [ I want to go with bb♥]
♥維多利亞港HK$0 (Have to go nice Night view)
♥香港文化博物館HK$10 Wed HK$0
♥星光大道 HK$0( i already went there :) but esther didn't and it pretty cool :) )
♥林村許願樹 HK$0( need to make some wish♥ )
this is the good place that i found from Angel facebook list :)
and i didn't include shopping place
Pretty sure going to go back to CHINA as well
and Next Stop will be Malaysia never went there before but it Esther birth place :)
so i want to visit as well :) see how much i love you Esther :)
so this is the place she post on her blog and yup i guess i will go as well :) if i can~~
♥KLCC skybridge 1st 1000 ppl in free ~?
♥Sunway Lagoon Theme Park RM$90
♥Sunway Pyramid
♥Bukit Bintang: Starhill Gallery
♥BERJAYA Times Square
♥COSMOWORLD RM$32 sing K RM18 = CAN$ 5.5
♥Jalan Petaling (Chinatown)
♥Genting Highlands
♥Genting Theme Park RM$25
♥Berjaya Hills ( horse ride♥ not sure about the fees)
♥Cameron Highlands RM$10 for tea
hope can go Korea and Taiwan and Macau
and compared to Canada HK + Malay it like heaven


so i been looking at airline ticket
AirCanada - cheapest i found it $1088
Continental - ******************* $1535
Cathay Pacific Airways******** $1133 but that one it Sept3 back to Canada
Delta Air Lines **************** $1133 around 1244.60 with tax
United Airlines **************** $2175 @!#$...................

That the airline i found doesn't anyone know more airline ? that it cheap ?
PLEASE LEAVE me a MSG if u guys do :)

- wai♥