Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Saturday - Today

Saturday - Sunday as well
me and mommy day ......

have a good food lol..later on d auntie just ask me how you made it..I;m just like ooo i searchonline jer.. but i really just search online and..keep re-watch the utube and.... make it ... but a lot of people didn't get the changes of eating it cuz people keep taking second lol~~~ and poor geanie my gbasically we just make food all night for church lol~ ..i made egg tart and
mommy made taro chips ...........took us around 7 hrs just
like saying me and mommy crazy ..well..just want to let you guys know me and mommy trying to make it as good as possible so you guys can
ood friend she just like !!!! gum fast mo ga!! like i almost didn't get any and manz like "save one for Jon and Alan".........................
it was funny and happy that everyone it :) THANK YOU :)

Monday .......
After school ..basically me and esther just went to china town i bought something hahahha lol...and searching for flight ticket as always.... but ahhhhh i felt like waste jor time..cuz all like1500 up --" what

the fuck !! right..well maybe later will be cheaper ...PLZ PRAY FOR US! :)
yeahhhh and esther bought a ...hollister jacket .........yup and now i got one as well diff was 180 ..and now it like $50 fucking cheap man ! i try to put makeup on~lol~~ i look very ...scary ?lol ..well maybe because i
made my face so white that it look like a ghost ~ haha ....yea..i have more ..but ..ahh --" ..ju
st i don't want to show to much not that pretty :( Post Options

Tuesday ..
sleeping cuz day off and ah Jo came visit me for an hr :) lol and later on i just go back to sleep again cuz i felt sick ...........:(


guess how much it cost $20 !!! cheap hey ... i think it
use to be like $50 up ~ :) ..........and hollister $50...with tax too so it pretty cheap that one ... it was $180 ... and then Esther boughtbasically i just bought a lot of stuff
Zara sweater look ver cute :) white and little heart
one 1st and i just copy her just with a diff color ~ lol..not going to have SAME COLOR TOO!!! jeeeez ......................LOL i bought one more thing it hollister ..............

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