Wednesday, January 13, 2010

aww man ...
today it so boring :(...
nothing special happen YET
2 more days then i can go back to uptown

well there a song i start to liking it :)

Change - HyunAh feat.Junhyung

the only thing i found it at the beginning kinda sound like

"Fergie - Fergalicious" .....and it the beginning as well too lol

well just like a very little...sound a like -.-" but when i 1st heard it
I'm just like!!! SOUND LIKE ..."Fergalicious".....................
and there couple song i like...i will shared later :)

well anywaysss and esther found cheaper ticket :)
$960 :)

yup yup cheap cheap
lol -.-" ....
and drank some soju -.-" fuck ...taste like nailpolish XD lol~~
and later on go to sleep lor -.-" slept till like 10 something ...
yup yup well ... u noe how i said it was a boring day
..actually it turn out better than i though -.-".....


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